Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining

PanAfGeo WP3 is planning to organize altogether seven (7) training sessions on Artisanal and Small-scale Mining across Africa during 2017-2019. Four (4) sessions are planned to be in English, two (2) in French, and one (1) in Portuguese. The WP3 training related to ASM will be provided as in-country training with regional participation.

The WP3 is co-funded by the European Union through its Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO), the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF – Canada).


For Any questions regarding WP3 please contact:

WP3 Leader John Tychsen (GEUS): Mail:
WP3 Co-leader Daniel Boamah (GGSA):  Mail:
WP3 Deputy Co-Leader Jules Cesar Yaganza : Mail:


  • WP3 TRAINING SESSION (DONE): Lusaka, Zambia on 19 to 22 March 2018

A soft copy of the handbook, the video of the presentations and the provided power point presentations will be available on the PanAfGeo website. It is the hope of PanAfGeo that this material will serve as manual in additional training sessions in Ghana on issues related to ASM.

The ASM handbook for Zambia, has been written to help improve the performance of ASM operators in Zambia. Every chapter responds to needs and issues that the female and male miners have said are important to them. Please see attached the Handbook CoverThe draft publication will be subject to review by all seminar participants to optimise user-friendliness and relevance prior to publication and wider distribution in early May (You can access the final version on the PanAfGeo ASM page).

Attached documents from the Zambia session:
Presentation Videos
Courses PowerPoint


  • WP3 TRAINING SESSION (DONE): Accra, Ghana from 18 to 21 September 2017

The first training session has been organised in Accra, Ghana from 18 to 21 September organized jointly with Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) with participants from national geological surveys in Sierra Leone, Gambia, Liberia, and Nigeria. The WP3 training session in Ghana was provided by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) and a number of local co-trainers from GGSA, MC and the Universities, please see attached program. You will find tutorial videos of the training here.

The number of participants was about 40-45 from Ghana selected in corporation with national OAGS representative. The workshop has aimed at staff from Ghana Geological Survey Authority, Minerals Commission, environmental authorities as well as civil society and universities. The workshop got 12-15 representatives from National Geological Surveys in the region.

The training session:

  • Had presentations of the important issues in the ASM sector and through this provide a training of GGSA staff members
  • Discussed the ways for the national geological survey to assist the ASM sector among the stakeholders present at the seminar.

Following the training session a “Handbook on ASM in Ghana” has been developed by the trainers and co-trainers. Please see attached the Handbook.

The training material will contain a draft of the chapters to be included in the Handbook. Based on the recommendations and comments from the participants the Handbook will be finalized and distributed to the participants and other stakeholders.

The Handbook is intended as a reference book for the ASM sector in Ghana produced by national experts in the ASM sector. All presentations at the workshop will be video taped.

Attached documents from the Ghana session:
Presentation Videos
Courses PowerPoint