Mid-Term meeting of the PanAfGeo project : Dakar, Senegal, 10-11 May 2018 0

Posted on 31, May 2018

in Category Non classé

On the 10-11 of May 2018, the Mid-Term meeting of the PanAfGeo project was held in Dakar, Senegal, jointly organised by the French Geological Survey (BRGM) and the Organisation of African Geological Survey (OAGS).

The meeting gathered a range of professionals and leaders from Africa and Europe. Advisory board members, European Consortium partners, African Co-leaders, Expert chair and Executive Committee members discussed the results and the impact of the PanAfGeo project on the African continent. The meeting also had discussions about the future activities and potential second phase of the project.

The first day of the meeting was started with the official introduction and proceeded with the panel discussion entitled ‘What do PanAfGeo trainings bring to my African Geological Survey?’.

The afternoon session continued with the general assembly of the project partners, that reviewed the results of the first year of the project, gave an overview of the past training sessions and received feedback from each work package leaders.

On May 11th the event started with the management committee, where Advisory Board gave recommendations. The meeting continued with the Stakeholders introduction, plus EuroGeoSurveys and UNESCO’s perspective of ASM training.

The meeting ended with the informal discussion between WP Leaders, Co-Leaders and Deputy Co-Leaders.

Click here to view the pictures of the Mid-Term meeting.


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