EuroGeoSurveys – The Geological Surveys of Europe (EGS)
EuroGeoSurveys is a non-profit organisation of the Geological Surveys of Europe, the national institutions responsible for geological inventory, monitoring, knowledge and research.
For 40 years the main objective of EuroGeoSurveys has been to contribute to society’s welfare. We turn geoscientific information into European wide knowledge, technologies and services easily accessible and beneficial to society and economic growth.
Our principal purpose is to provide public Earth science knowledge to support the EU’s competitiveness, social well-being, environmental management and international commitments’.
In our day-to-day activities, we promote the contribution of geosciences to European Union affairs and action programmes; provide a permanent network between the Geological Surveys of Europe and a common, but not unique, gateway to each of the Members and their national networks; jointly address European issues of common interest in the field of geosciences; and publish technical advice for the European Union Institutions.
EGS only pursue activities that lie exclusively in the public interest or in the interest of public administration that will benefit from our ability to quickly respond to specific demands from the European Union, addressing geological problems of a political, economic and social nature.
Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute (PGI-NRI)
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
Geological Survey of Finland (GTK)
Geološkega zavoda Slovenije (GeoZS)
Sveriges geologiska undersökning (SGU)
Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM)
Geological Survey of Lithuania (LGT)
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME)
Institute for Environmental Protection and Research – Geological Survey of Italy (ISPRA)
The Organisation of African Geological Surveys (OAGS)
The Organisation of African Geological Surveys (OAGS) represents the Geological Surveys of countries in Africa. Its mandate is to foster and sustain geoscience programmes and excellence on the African continent in the quest for socio-economic development and poverty alleviation, with special reference to mineral resource assessment, sustainable land use and development, hazard mitigation and environmental protection. The specific aims of the organisation include, but are not limited to, creating regional- and continent-wide promotional maps and documents that inform decision-makers in government and industry on matters relating to the applied geosciences. The OAGS Executive Committee consists of the Presidency which is currently held by Nigeria and the regional Vice-Presidents which consists of:
- Northern Region: Morocco
- Southern Region: Botswana
- Eastern Region: Kenya
- Central Region: Chad
- Western Region: Senegal
South Africa is the permanent Secretariat of the OAGS.
Geological Survey of Ghana
Geological Survey of Ivory Coast
Geological Survey of South Africa (GSSA)
Direcção Nacional de Geologia (DNG) – Geological Survey of Mozambique